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• School Administrator
• Business Manager / Office Manager
• Accountant
• Registrar

School Management:
• Manages all school information in one integrated, real-time
   - Student, family and staff demographics and information
   - Medical records
   - Courses and classes

• Supports admissions, enrollment and scheduling processes

• Performs billing and tuition management

• Offers reporting with 144 pre-defined reports and
   create-a-report capabilities

• Supports a variety of other areas, including Library, Lunch
   Room and Bookstore

• Includes extensive security and password protection for
   granting rights to information

• Allows users to send emails with one click without looking
   up email addresses

• Automatically provides group email lists by class,
   homeroom,  grade, entire school, etc. without someone
   manually building  and maintaining the lists

• Provides ability to attach documents to email, such as school
   calendar, newsletter, bulletins, progress reports, etc.


• System architecture and integration allows all school data to
   reside in one database, eliminating the need to re-enter or
   synchronize data

• Software supports school administration needs without
   requiring schools to purchase additional costly modules

• Attendance secretary can produce accurate attendance
   reports— without collecting slips of paper from classrooms

• Report cards and transcripts are automatically generated
   from  gradebooks, eliminating manual keying and review by

• Email capabilities and ParentsWeb provide schools significant
   expense savings for postage, printing and reproduction

• Gradebook aids in the evaluation of how lesson plans and
   assignments satisfy documented course objectives

• Student performance analysis feature provides ability to
   analyze student academic performance by subject, class,
   gender, ethnic background, relative to standardized test
   scores, etc.

• Survey feature allows administration to poll students,
   parents  and faculty regarding school performance and
   tabulate results automatically

• Schools benefit when RenWeb hosts their data because:
   - RenWeb saves the school the expense of purchasing a
   - RenWeb’s servers are backed up and maintained in a
      professionally managed data center, eliminating the
      school’s need to support this function
   - RenWeb’s technical support staff can view the same screens
      as you do, in  real-time, allowing them to provide
      unmatched  technical support



  • RenWeb Features:

    We help your school operate more efficiently by automating processes, streamlining redundant tasks, and eliminating unnecessary paperwork. That's renewing school management the RenWeb Way.